<aside> 👋🏻 Hi! I’m Yunwang (Luke) Chen





I am a dynamic and driven individual currently pursuing a Bachelor's degree in Electric and Electronic Engineering at the Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech). My academic journey has been marked by excellence, as reflected in my impressive GPA of 3.93/4 and a ranking of 1st among 108 students in my department.

My journey began with an score of 673/750 points in the College Entrance Examination (Gaokao), ranking me approximately 500th in Guangdong Province and leading to my admission to SUSTech as the first candidate. At SUSTech, I have been guaranteed the freedom to explore a diverse range of research topics and major choices, fostering my enthusiasm for study and research.

Throughout my time at university, I have been recognized with numerous honors and awards. I was named a Shenzhen Model Student and received the First Prize in both the SUSTech Freshman Scholarship and the Undergraduate Outstanding Student Scholarship.

My passion for research and innovation is evident in my engagement with various projects. I have worked in the Laboratory of Integrated Sensing and Communication (ISAC), where I delved into the principles of integrated sensing and communications under the guidance of Prof. Fan Liu, and the Laboratory of Advanced Energy Conversion, where I explored the application of blockchain into energy system like the smart grid for electrical vehicles.

Beyond academics, I am actively involved in extracurricular activities. I serve as the Monitor of the EEE Elite Student Class, where I organize and prepare monthly seminar, and as a member of the SUSTech Rowing Team, contributing significantly as a key power output. My competitive spirit and strong constitution also led me to secure the First Place in both the SUSTech Rowing Competition and the SUSTech Constitution Competition.

In conclusion, my journey at SUSTech has been a blend of academic rigor, research innovation, leadership, and extracurricular involvement, all driven by a passion for excellence and a commitment to making a meaningful impact

A favourite song

A favourite song
